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  • Writer's pictureRomy Jansen

It's a Wild Life! - Throwback Time

It's hard to believe that two years have passed since we embarked on our wild journey through South America. The memories we've made, the breathtaking landscapes we've witnessed, and the incredible people we've met have left an indelible mark on our hearts. As we take a moment to reflect on this incredible adventure, we wanted to share some of the things we've missed from home and the experiences we'll forever cherish from South America.

Things We Miss from Home


1. Creature Comforts

·       Having a normal clean toilet instead of the woods.

·       Flushing toilet paper instead of using a garbage bin.

·       A shower without the risk of being electrocuted by the infamous suicide electric showers.

·       The luxury of having your own private space without the constant mobility of travel.


2. Home Essentials

·       Playing board games with friends.

·       'Poffertjes' (A Dutch little pancake treat) from Rob's mother.

·       A washing machine for cleaning our own clothes and making them REALLY clean again.

·       A dishwasher instead of freezing mountain water to wash dishes.

3. Everyday Luxuries

·       Sitting in our living room, watching our garden birds.

·       A big, cozy bed with a soft mattress and blankets without someone knocking on your door to ask if you

have permission to sleep there.

·       Drinking water directly from the tap without filtering.

·       Grocery shopping without having to inquire about the price of every product.

4. Modern Conveniences

·       A kitchen with all facilities to cook any meal you want.

·       A good cappuccino instead of instant coffee.

·       Going to a gas station without carrying a jerry can.

5. Efficient Services

·       Efficient and responsive customer service.

·       Fast and consistent internet speeds for both home and mobile networks.

Things We Will Miss from South America

1. Adventurous Moments

·       Bathing ourselves in insect repellent before exploring... Just kidding, we are not gonna miss that :D

·       Sleeping in a rooftop tent in the rainforest with bird sounds as our alarm.

·       Speed bumps matching the road colour as a surprise while driving downhill.

·       The thrill of stopping anywhere for a scenic coffee break.

2. Natural Wonders

·       The diverse wildlife, from hummingbirds to majestic pumas.

·       The sounds of laughing monkeys in the morning.

·       The Andes Mountains - a love affair with their impressive peaks.

·       The deep connection with nature, whether it's the rainforest, mountains or lowlands.

3. Cultural Experiences

·       Making new friends in every country and experiencing their unbelievable hospitality.

·       The variety of fresh, affordable fruits.

·       Bringing your own drink to a restaurant being completely normal.

4. Unique Encounters

·       Being the only tourist in beautiful places for hours or even days.

·       Entertainment at every traffic light in big cities.

·       The daily encounters with exotic wildlife that are not found in other parts of the world.

·       The excitement and unpredictability of road trips through diverse landscapes.


As we look forward to the next chapter of our adventure, we're thrilled about our upcoming Antarctica cruise. On the 17th of November, we'll be flying to Ushuaia, exploring the southernmost part of Patagonia, and, finally, setting sail to Antarctica, South-Georgia, and the Falkland Islands. Penguins, dolphins, whales, seals, and the stunning ice await us.

After this incredible journey, we'll return to Ushuaia on the 10th of December before flying back to Córdoba and driving our loyal car, Forrest, back to Santiago de Chile. Then we will do a quick stop-over in the Netherlands before going to our next Wild Life destination: Thailand!


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