It's a Wild Life! - Primates and Piranhas
Searching for wildlife is almost always exciting in a good way. We are always really looking forward to find certain species and are a bit worried because of the possibility of missing them. Every time we start our search with high hopes that the bird or mammal is just waiting for us at the parking spot. But when time passes and we are already searching for a long time, we are getting more and more nervous if we still didn’t find that crazy monkey. Luckily we had more luck with finding monkeys the past month than the first month in Brazil.
People who know us, know we are not city people. But for the Brown Howler monkey we went to São Paulo. Because of the yellow fever outbreak in 2016-2018 a lot of monkey species populations declined with up to 90% :(. Therefore it makes it even harder to find certain species. This is also the case for the Brown Howler. The best chance to see them is in the Botanical Gardens in the middle of São Paulo. It was a hot day and the Botanical Gardens opened at 9:00. Not the best time to search for primates, but we were determined to find them. We asked gardeners and local walking elderly people if they had seen the Brown Howlers or if they knew the best place to search for them. They said the Howlers are more active earlier in the morning, but we couldn’t enter earlier. So we walked around the best places to search for them and listened for any sounds in the trees. We were already getting a little bit nervous after an hour, because if we couldn’t find them quickly we might had to stay for another night in the city. But then we luckily heard something. A tree was shaking and there it was: a Brown Howler!
