Romy Jansen
Feb 14, 20223 min read
It's a Wild Life! - A Perfect Present
Visiting the Moreno Glacier and Fitz Roy. Searching for the Hooded Grebe and enjoyed perfect birthday presents.

Romy Jansen
Feb 5, 20224 min read
It's a Wild Life! - A New Country
Our experience of crossing the Austral border between Chile and Argentina.

Romy Jansen
Jan 11, 20225 min read
It's a Wild Life! - The End of the World
Searching Pumas in Torres del Paine, sleeping in the middle of nowhere for Christmas and New Year, King Penguins on Tierra del Fuego

Rob Jansen
Dec 28, 20214 min read
It's a Wild Life! - Towards the End of the World
I guess you have been wondering since our last blog: did we see the Darwin’s Fox or Kodkod? The simple answer is no, unfortunately not....